Transition to Modules Supporting Approtect
Modules support approtect
Access Port Protection
Nordic begins to offer APprotect or Access Port protection features for all nRF52 and newer Bluetooth SoCs. The access port (SWDIO) can be locked to prevent hacking. For the best module availability, please recompile your codes with nRF_SDK v17.1.0 or newer to have compatibility with both the new and the old version silicon.
There is no need to re-certify for the approtect updated parts. The RF hardware is compliant in default state. All changes that have been made are either not impacting RF performance or they are opt-in. This means they are the same by default but that you can change the performance by changing the radio setup through application configuration.
The new APPROTECT mechanism is locked by default (the opposite of the legacy implementation).
To program a new device you need to start by unlocking it with an ERASEALL operation.
The device will only stay unlocked until it executes a proper reset (i.e. not a SysReset). You need to ensure that the device isn’t allowed to e.g. experience a power reset until all of the programming is complete.
A legacy firmware that hasn’t been recompiled will work fine. The device will (mostly) lock itself after the next reset.
To make full use of the read-back protection mechanism, a recompile with nRF5_SDK v17.1.0 or newer is required because that will enable an additional locking step.
Part Numbers for APprotect Versions
Module part numbers in production with non-approtect silicon, a “-p” is added the part number to indicate the new approtect versions. On the RFI shield, a “p” is marked to the right of module part number. The following new part numbers support approtect features. The modules in Bold are in stock. You can order 3 free samples on this webpage. Click on the module to order additional at normal price.
nRF52840 QIAA F: BT840-p, BT840F-p, BT840E-p, BT840X-p, BT840XE-p.
nRF52840 CKAA F: BC840-p, BC840E-p, BC840M-p.
nRF52833 QIAA B: BM833-p, BM833E-p, BM833F-p.
nRF52833 QDAA B: BC833M-p, BC833E-p.
nRF52832 QFAA G: BM832-p, BM832E-p, BT832-p, BT832F-p.
nRF52832 QFAA G with a PA: BT832X-p, BT832XE-p.
nRF52832 CIAA G: BC832-p
nRF52811 QFAA B: BM833A-p, BM833AF-p.
nRF52805 CAAA B: BC805M-p.
To encourage transition to modules supporting approtect, you can order free samples on the webpage. In 2023, availability of modules is the best if you can use both the old and the new version.
Part Numbers for New APprotect Modules
New modules began production with approtect silicon, no “-p” is added to the module part number. On the RFI shield, there is a running change to add a “p” to the right of module part number. The following and all new Nordic BLE modules support approtect.
nRF52840 QFAA: BM840, BM840P (P to indicate Pads for external antenna)
nRF5340 QKAA: BT40, BT40F, BT40E, BT40N, BT40NE.
nRF5340 CLAA: BC40C, BC40M, BC40P (P to indicate Pads for external antenna)
nRF52840 QIAA F: BT840N, BT840NE, BT840NEE.
nRF52833 QIAA B: BT833N, BT833NE.
Free samples are not available for these modules begin production with approtect silicon.
AP Availability
On the updated webpages, product specifications, and selection guides, AP availability is the initial production date of the module.
Order Free Verification Samples
If you need more modules than allowed in this free sample program, please order additional from the normal module webpage.
Each person can order up to 3 samples of three different modules.
If you use a module in many PCBAs and need more than 3 samples, please email Fanstel for approval immediately.
If you use more than 3 module types in your products, please email Fanstel for approval immediately.
You will be charge for flat rate freight. $12 each shipment by USPS Priority Mail in the USA. $60 each shipment for Fed Ex or DHL Express outside of the USA.
nRF52805, Bluetooth 5.4 module. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
Micro nRF52832 module, size 7.8x8.8x1.3mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52833, Bluetooth 5.3 module with both 32MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52833, Bluetooth 5.3 module with both 32MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
Micro nRF52840 module, size 7.1x9.2x1.5mm. It supports approtect.
Micro nRF52840 module, size 7x12.2x1.8mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
Micro nRF52840 module, size 7x12.2x1.5mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
BM832A-p, an nRF52810 BLE 5.3 module. It has the same footprint as BM832. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
BM832, BLE 5.2 module with the same soldering pad footprint as BM832A.
3 free approtect samples
BM832E-p, BLE 5.3 module with the same soldering pad footprint as BM832. An u.FL connector is on module.
BM832E-p uses an nRF52832 QFAA G or newer SoC, supporting approtect.
3 free BM832E-p samples
nRF52833 Bluetooth 5.3, Thread, Zigbee module. Supports approtect.
Bluetooth range is estimated at 1400 meters at 125 Kbps.
3 free samples
$5.00 each from 1 to 999 pcs. $4.80 each for 1000 pcs.
BM833A-p, an nRF52811 BLE 5.3 module. It has the same footprint as BM833A. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
BM833AF-p3free, an nRF52811 BLE 5.3 module with a high performance PCB antenna. It has the same footprint as BM833AF. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
BM833E, BLE 5.3 module with the same soldering pad footprint as BM833. An u.FL connector is on module. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52833 Bluetooth 5.3, Thread, Zigbee module. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
BT832A, nRF52810 Bluetooth 5.3 module.
Basing on nRF52810 QFAA with Cortex M4, 192 KB flash, 24 KB RAM
Supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52810 module with a high performance PCB antenna, size 15x20.8x2.0mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
BT832 Bluetooth 5.3 module for $5 special starting at one pcs.
Uses an nRF52832 QFAA G or newer, supports approtect
3 free approtect module samples
BT832F-p, BLE 5.3 module, with approtect, the same soldering pad footprint as BT832 and 760 meters range.
Up to 3 free samples for verification
nRF52832 + SKY66112 module with a high performance PCB antenna, size 15x28.0x2.0mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52832 + SKY66112 module with an u.FL for external antenna, size 15x28.0x2.0mm. It supports approtect.
nRF52840 module, 135 meters at 1Mbps. Supporting approtect.
$6.88 each for 1 to 999 pcs
$6.09 each for 1000-reel
nRF52840 module with u.FL connector, supporting approtect
$7.94 each for 10-pack
$7.59 each for 100-pack
$6.90 each for 1000-reel
Long range nRF52840 module, 510 meters at 1Mbps. Supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52840 + SKY66112 module with a high performance PCB antenna, size 15x28.0x2.0mm. It supports approtect.
3 free samples
nRF52840 + SKY66112 module with an u.FL for external antenna, size 15x28.0x2.0mm. It supports approtect.