BC833M, BC833E, nRF52833 Bluetooth 5.1 module — Fanstel

BT40N, an nRF5340 + nRF21540 module, $10.92 at 1K pcs, in stock

BC833M, BC833E, nRF52833 Bluetooth 5.2, Thread, Zigbee Module


BC833E, BC833M


BC833M and BC833E are BLE 5.2 modules using Nordic nRF52833 QDAA SoC with an integrated antenna and an u.FL connector for external antenna, respectively.

  • Small host PCB area: Size of BC833M is 10x14.3mm. It includes inductors required for DCDC converter, 32 MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals.

  • No external component is required when supplying power to VDD.

  • Operating temperature of both crystals are -40C to 105C, 20PPM.

  • The longest range without a PA. +8.73 dBm max TX power, BC833E is FCC certified with a 6 dBi antenna.


  • Nordic nRF52833 QDAA with ARM Cortex M4F

  • 512 KB flash, 128 KB RAM

  • BC833M Bluetooth range, estimated: 700 meters at 1Mbps and 1400 meters at 125 Kbps with at least 60% Fresnel zone clearance. Range of BC833E with a 6dBi antenna is estimated >3400 meters at 125 Kbps.

  • Supports Angle or Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) using Bluetooth.

  • Supports BLE 5 Coded PHY.

  • 128-bit AES HW encryption

  • Serial Wire Debug (SWD)

  • Nordic SoftDevice Ready

  • Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware update

  • Direct powered by Lithium batteries or USB supply (up to 5.5V).

  • Both 32MHz and 32.768 KHz sleep crystals on board.

  • Size 10x14.3mm.

Up to 18 GPIOs

  • 2x real time counter (RTC)

  • 4x 32 bit timers with counter mode


  • Programmable peripheral interconnect (PPI)

  • 128 bit AES/ECB/CCM/AAR co-processor.


  • Operation voltage: 1.7V to 5.5V

  • Peak current: 4.7 mA RX, 4.9 mA TX at 0 dBm.

RF Performance

  • RX sensitivity: -95 dBm at 1Mbps

  • TX power: -20 to +8 dBm


  • Operation Temperature: -40°C to +105°C

  • Integrated shield to resist EMI

  • Evaluation board: EV-BC833M and EV-BC833E

  • Availability: Proudction. Approtect version BC833M-p and BC833E-p production begins in March 2024. For more approtect version information.


  • FCC ID: X8WBC833M

  • IC (Industrial Canada) ID: 4100A-BC833M

  • Europe: Compliant

  • Japan: R 218-417364

  • Australia: Compliant

  • QDID: 138767

Evaluation Board EV-BC833M, BC833E

To program EV-BC833M, you need a Nordic nRF52840DK and set up nRF Connect software tools.


Order Products

Please contact Fanstel for volume discount and production lead time.

BC833M-p, nRF52833 BLE 5.3 module, supports approtect
from $5.00

nRF52833, Bluetooth 5.3 module with both 32MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals. It supports approtect.

The price is $4.33 each at 1K pcs.

$5.00 each from 1 pcs to 999 pcs.

BC833E-p, nRF52833 BLE 5.3 module with an u.FL, supports approtect
from $5.66

nRF52833, Bluetooth 5.3 module with both 32MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals. It supports approtect.

The price is $4.72 each at 1K pcs.

$5.66 each at 1 pcs

BC833M, Compact nRF52833 BLE 5.2 module
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $5.41

BC833M, nRF52833 BLE 5.2 module including both 32 MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals

1 to 999 pcs, $5.00 each;

1K pcs-reel price, $4.33 each

BC833E, Compact nRF52833 BLE 5.4 module with an U.FL
from $5.66

BC833E, BLE 5.4 module. An u.FL connector is on module.

EV-BC833M, Evaluation board for BC833M, BLE 5.2 nRF52833 module

Evaluation board for BC833M, Bluetooth 5.2, Thread, Zigbee module

EV-BC833E, Evaluation board for BC833E, BLE 5.2 nRF52833 module with u.FL

Evaluation board for BC833E, Bluetooth 5.2, Thread, Zigbee module with u.FL connector